Bitbucket End User Agreement

This Agreement applies whether you purchase the Applications directly through Atlassian Marketplace or through Atlassian “Partners” or other authorized resellers (each, a “Reseller”) through Atlassian Marketplace. If you purchase through a Reseller, your scope of use is as specified in the order that reseller placed for you, and Reseller is responsible for the accuracy of that order. Resellers are not permitted to make any promises or obligations on behalf of Holger Schimanski, and we are not bound by any obligations to you other than those specified in this Agreement. 10. General. Your relationship with Atlassian is that of an independent contractor, not an employee, partner, agent or joint venture partner. You may not assign this Agreement without atlassian`s prior written consent and any attempt to do so will be void. Atlassian may freely assign or transfer this Agreement and/or its rights under this Agreement, in whole or in part. All of your representations and warranties, indemnification obligations, releases and waivers set forth in this Agreement extend to Atlassian affiliates and benefit from them as third party beneficiaries of this Agreement. Atlassian may terminate this Agreement or cease using the Content at any time, with or without notice. Any notice under this Agreement will be sent in writing to the addresses below and will be deemed given upon delivery.

Nothing in this Agreement may be waived by the acts, omissions or knowledge of any party or its agents or employees, except in writing expressly waived this provision and signed by a duly authorized representative of the releasing party. If any provision of this Agreement is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be unenforceable or invalid, that provision shall be limited to the minimum necessary for this Agreement to remain in full force and effect. This Agreement shall be deemed to have been entered into and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California and the United States, without regard to their conflict of laws rules. Any action or proceeding arising out of or relating to this Agreement shall be brought in a federal court located in the Northern District of California or in a state court located in San Francisco, California, and each party irrevocably submits to and instead of such courts. Amendments are only effective if they are signed in writing by a representative of the respective parties. Both parties agree that this Agreement is the complete and exclusive declaration of mutual understanding between the parties and supersedes and supersedes all prior written and oral agreements and communications relating to the subject matter of this Agreement. The word “including” and all similar terms are construed without limitation. It also terminates immediately if you fail to comply with any provision of this Agreement.

Upon termination, the licenses granted by this Agreement will terminate immediately and you agree to cease access to and use of the Software Product. The provisions, which by their nature survive and continue to exist, will survive any termination of this Agreement. The license is granted on the condition that you ensure that the maximum number of authorized users who can access and use the application at the same time is less than or equal to the number of users for whom the required fees have been paid to resellers. The maximum number of allowed users is determined by the license level that you specify when ordering the application. 5.5. Distances and exhibitions. We have no obligation to monitor content uploaded to the Cloud Products. However, if we deem such action necessary because of your violation of these Terms, including our policies, or in response to deletion requests we receive in accordance with our Copyright and Trademark Infringement Reporting Policies, we may (1) delete your data from the Cloud Products or (2) suspend your access to the Cloud Products. We will use reasonable efforts to notify you in advance of deletions and suspensions, if possible, but if we determine that your actions compromise the operation of the Cloud Product or other users, we may suspend your access or delete your data immediately without notice. We will not be liable to you for the deletion or deletion of your data or the suspension of your access to the Cloud Products as described in this Section 5.5. All Atlassian paid add-ons comply with the Atlassian Terms of Service.

An additional end user agreement may apply for additional terms. 2.2. Reseller as Administrator. If you order Cloud Products through a Reseller, you are responsible for determining whether Reseller can act as administrator and related rights or obligations in your respective agreement with Reseller. In the relationship between you and Atlassian, you are solely responsible for Reseller`s access to your or other end user accounts. 4.1. Third Party Products. You (including your Authorized Users) may choose to use or purchase other third-party products or services in connection with the Software, including third-party applications (see Section 4.2 (Marketplace Applications)) or implementation, customization, training or other services. Your receipt or use of third party products or services is subject to a separate agreement between you and the third party. If you activate or use third-party products or services (including third-party applications as mentioned in Section 4.2 (Marketplace Applications)) with the Software, you acknowledge that third parties may access or use your data to the extent necessary to have their products and services interoperated with the Software.

This may include transmitting, transferring, modifying or deleting your data or storing your data on third-party systems or other third-party systems. The use of your data by a third party is subject to the applicable agreement between you and that third party. We are not responsible for the access or use of your information by third parties or their products or services, or for the security or privacy practices of third parties or their products or services. You are solely responsible for your decision to allow a third party or a third party product or service to use your information. It is your responsibility to carefully review the agreement between you and the third party as provided by the relevant third party. ATLASSIAN DISCLAIMS ALL LIABILITY FOR ANY THIRD-PARTY PRODUCTS OR SERVICES (WHETHER SUPPORT, AVAILABILITY, SECURITY OR OTHERWISE) OR FOR THE ACTS OR OMISSIONS OF THIRD PARTIES OR SUPPLIERS. This End User License Agreement (“EULA”) is a legal agreement between you (a natural person or an individual entity) whose information is provided to Licensor upon purchase (defined below) (“Licensee”) and Licensor to use the Software. This EULA is effective on the date Licensee receives the Software from a reseller or licensor (“Purchase”). A modification or addition to this EULA may be attached to the Software. Licensee agrees to be bound by the terms of this EULA by installing, copying, downloading or otherwise using the Software.

If Licensee does not agree to the terms of this EULA, Licensee may not install, copy, download or use the Software. Thank you for your interest in participating in Bitbucket`s Community Content Awareness Program (the “Program”)! We are very happy to review any material you submit to us through the Program (the “Content”) that we post on the Bitbucket blog or on any of our microsites (the “Atlassian Properties”). This Content Provider License Agreement (the “Agreement”) governs your submission of Content under the Program and our use and publication of the Content on the Atlassian Property. By participating in the Program or submitting Content, you hereby agree to the terms of this Agreement, which is a binding agreement between you and Atlassian Pty Ltd. (“Atlassian”, “we”, “us” or “our”). “You” means the person who submits Content to Atlassian for publication on the Atlassian Properties. This EULA (and any modification or modification of this EULA contained in the Software) constitutes the entire agreement between Licensee and Licensor with respect to the Software and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous oral or written communications, suggestions and representations regarding the Software or any other matter covered by this EULA. If any law of this Agreement involves any provision, condition or warranty that cannot be excluded or limited, Holger Schimanski`s liability for breach of such term, condition or warranty shall be limited to this Agreement to the fullest extent permitted by law. and lasts until its completion.

You can stop it at any time by uninstalling the apps. This End User License Agreement “EULA” is a legal agreement between you and Holger Schimanski. This Agreement governs your purchase and use of the Applications provided by Holger Schimanski as a provider on the Atlassian Marketplace. Please read this Agreement carefully before completing the installation process and using the Applications…

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