Build over Agreement Uk

Without our permission, your local authority cannot provide a certificate of completion for building codes. This could cause problems if you are trying to sell your property, as a buyer`s lawyer might warn you that the building has been extended over or near a sewer without our permission. There are certain circumstances in which you will be denied permission to build any form of extension directly over a public sewer. These include: Once you have obtained approval from the water company, the building control department will conduct regular site inspections during construction and keep an eye on the drainage layout. To find out whether or not you are eligible for a self-certified agreement, complete the questionnaire on the Thames Water Build Over website (link above). or ask us! Nor will we allow pumps, hoses or sewers to be built. Each local water company will have its own website, and each should have a section dedicated to applying for permission to build an extension via public sewers. You can also submit this request by mail. A construction agreement is required by water companies for all construction work through public sewers or within 3 m of a sewer. This obligation is even anchored as a federal government in the deeds of some more modern real estate. Building on top of or near a sewer pipe can damage the pipe itself or your home. This could lead to increased costs for our customers and significant disruptions.

So, if there are sewer pipes on your property, you should consider the location, size and design of your construction work before you start and contact us before you start the work. A construction agreement gives the Water Company peace of mind that the work to be done will not negatively affect the sewer below, and it also ensures that the water company continues to have sufficient access to the sewer so that it can be repaired and maintained. If you plan to build near or above a public sewer, you should contact the water company before carrying out the work to determine their needs. You must ensure that this is done, otherwise you will not be able to obtain the required certificate of completion of the building regulations. This means that your construction work is complete and it will be easier for you if you ever plan to sell your property. You will also need permission and approval from your local authority before starting work on a veranda or extension over a public sewer, as it can be difficult to make changes and cause delays. Below we have provided professional information about construction contracts and expert advice that you need to know if you plan to build an extension near (or above) a public sewer system. These are the basics that will help you get started if you want to move forward with your planned proposal. Your local water company will not allow wells or drain covers to remain inside your property because the risk of flooding and odor problems is increased. Therefore, both wells must be completely removed and the wells guided through the wells must be rebuilt outside the extension work. There are two possible ways to get our approval if you want to build above or near our sewers: (Please note that this only applies to construction work on a single residential property involving pipes with a diameter of 150 mm or less) There are a few things that need to be determined, Before applying for permission to build over an underground drain managed by a local water authority: changing the design of the extension to avoid the sewer is an option to ensure that the new building is at least 3 m from it. This is usually the simplest and cheapest option, but it`s only really doable with extensions where your original design didn`t reach too far into the 3m area, so a small overhaul can solve the problem.

However, such changes may also need to be notified to the local planning authority. Download our brochure to learn more about building over a sewer. The other option is for the seller to give the buyer liability insurance to protect against financial losses caused by the property being built in a public sewer. This is the fastest and cheapest option, but whether or not insurance is available depends on the circumstances of the individual case. You do not need our permit if you are building outside of these distances. We are happy to check your plans and give you written confirmation if you are not sure. Read more details. Registration fees usually cost around £300 (see your local water supplier`s website). The construction work itself is usually quite simple, unless you need to divert the sewer or build new replacement wells. There may also be a few small additional costs to create suitable drawings for the application.

Building near or above public sewers is usually pretty easy on site, as long as you get the right design details. Here are some of the most important technical points to keep in mind: in this handy guide, you`ll learn when you`ll need them, how long they`ll take, and what the costs are, as well as design tips for building over a public sewer. Based on recent government recommendations, we have made the decision to close our offices to prevent and slow the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus. A Build-on-Investment Agreement (BOA) may be required if you are building an extension of your home. This is a legal agreement between you and your water company that ensures that your work will not only negatively impact a public sewer under or near the boundary of your building and that they will always have a way to access the sewer if repair and maintenance work is required. As a homeowner, you may be thinking about expanding your home or building a veranda or garage. Sometimes this type of work can affect the underground sewer pipes that are within the boundaries of your property. When planning your construction work, you should check if there are pipelines nearby. If this is the case, you may need our consent before the work begins. You must then apply to us in accordance with the 2010 Building Code. These are enforced by local authorities, but they have a duty to consult us if they know that a sewer system could be over-built.

Greg is a drainage expert and has been in business for over 30 years. He is the owner of Coastal Drains Ltd and a very, very friendly guy. View all greg Child articles For many homeowners, a property may not seem complete until an extension or veranda has been built on site, or extends to the front or back. In these cases, it may require construction via public drains or sewers to achieve the desired effect of your new interior. However, continuing your work won`t be easy, as you may need a build-over agreement before you`ll be allowed to run your project. It is best to know where the piping is when designing the building in order to avoid delays and additional costs. Don`t worry if you don`t know how to do it – we`re here to help. If all sewers on your property are under your responsibility (i.e. These are private sewers), you don`t need a construction contract, although you may still need a building permit for some extensions. New detached properties cannot be built by a public sewer and instead require sewer diversion.

If you can reliably meet all the necessary requirements, your project will be automatically approved (with a few exceptions). This only applies to construction work on a single residential plot with pipes with a diameter of 150 mm or less. For anything larger, you`ll need to fill out a formal build-over request form. You need to ask us for a construction agreement if: In some situations, there may be a temptation to move forward with the construction of the extension without first getting approval, especially if your proposed foundation only gets a few centimeters into the designated 3m exclusion zone around the sewer. The problem is that if the water company becomes aware of this violation and perhaps receives approval from the control of the building, it could force you to stop working on site or even destroy any building built above the public sewer system. Before the start of construction work on the site, the authorization of the water supplier must be obtained. However, there is a potential catch; Even if a sewer pipe only serves your property and is therefore classified as a private drain, if you want to build within 1 m of the border where it leaks on your land, some water companies still need a construction agreement, so it is worth checking with them. If self-certification is not realistic, you must follow this formal application and assessment process to obtain our consent to build above or near (within 3 metres) of our sewer lines. We need to conduct CCTV investigations before and after your work, and a local building inspector must also inspect the work.

And without the required approval documents from the water department, the building inspection won`t sign the important certificate of completion you need when it comes to selling or reprogramming the home. A construction agreement is a legal document put in place to protect the public sewer or main drain on which you want to carry out work or nearby. .

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