Honor Contracts Agreements and Assigned Responsibilities

This ethical requirement extends the principle of intellectual property (1.5), which explicitly mentions copyright, patents, trade secrets and licensing agreements. These restrictions are based on integrity (1.3) and the need to comply with existing laws (2.3). INFORMATION NOTE: This section is based in detail on IFIP`s draft Code of Ethics, in particular the sections on organizational ethics and international concerns. The ethical obligations of organizations tend to be overlooked in most codes of conduct, perhaps because these codes are written from the perspective of the individual member. This dilemma is solved by formulating these imperatives from the perspective of the organizational leader. In this context, the “leader” is considered to be any member of the organization who has leadership or educational responsibilities. These imperatives can generally apply to both organizations and their leaders. In this context, “organizations” are corporations, government agencies and other “employers”, as well as voluntary professional associations. Meeting one`s own obligations is a matter of integrity and honesty. For the IT professional, this includes ensuring that the elements of the system work as intended. When concluding an employment contract with another party, he is also obliged to keep that party properly informed of the progress of this work.

These principles may conflict with an employee`s agreements and obligations to the employer and client. If this fails, Diane must consider her contractual obligations as specified in Imperative 2.6 to fulfill the responsibilities assigned to her. 2.6 Comply with contracts, agreements and assigned responsibilities. As the leader of his organization, the president also violates standard 3.1 because he does not encourage his employees to assume their social responsibility. The principle of honesty extends to matters of confidentiality of information where an explicit promise of confidentiality has been made or implicitly where private information becomes available that is not directly related to the performance of one`s obligations. Ethical concern is to comply with all confidentiality obligations to employers, customers and users, unless they are exempted from these obligations by legal requirements or other principles of this Code. 3.1 Articulate the social responsibility of the members of an organizational unit and promote the full assumption of these responsibilities. Infringement of copyrights, patents, trade secrets and license terms is prohibited by law in most cases.

Even if the software is not so protected, such violations are contrary to professional conduct. Copies of software should only be made with the appropriate permission. Unauthorized reproduction of documents cannot be tolerated. We don`t know the details of Diane`s contract, but she may have to choose between her contract and her commitment to privacy and confidentiality. After months of tedious programming, Jean is stuck on several parts of the program. Your manager, who does not recognize the complexity of the problem, wants the work to be completed in the coming days. 2.7 Improve understanding of public data processing and its consequences. She should continue testing, but she was told that her company would go bankrupt if she didn`t approve the system now. The theft or destruction of electronic equipment and property is prohibited by Imperative 1.2 – “Avoid harming others”. Intrusion and unauthorized use of a computer or communication system are dealt with by this imperative. Intrusion involves access to communication networks and computer systems or accounts and/or files associated with these systems without express permission.

Individuals and organizations have the right to restrict access to their systems as long as they do not violate the principle of discrimination (see 1.4). No one should enter or use someone else`s computer system, software, or data files without permission. You should always have the appropriate permission before using system resources, including communication ports, file space, other system devices, and computer time. Inequalities between different groups of people can result from the use or misuse of information and technology. In an equitable society, all people would have equal opportunities to participate in or benefit from the use of computer resources, regardless of race, gender, religion, age, disability, national origin or other similar factors. However, these ideals do not justify the unauthorized use of computer resources, nor do they provide an adequate basis for violating other ethical imperatives of this Code. 3.3 Recognize and support the correct and authorized use of an Organization`s computer and communications resources. Compliance with a code of ethics by professionals is largely a voluntary matter. .

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