Sample Price Quotation with Terms and Conditions

2. PRICES, TAXES 2.1. The prices indicated in the Supplier`s offer (“Prices”) are in US dollars. Nothing specified in the Customer`s order modifies or supplements the prices, quantities and/or scope of the Products offered, unless such modification or addition is agreed in writing by the Supplier prior to the Order. 2.2. Prices are exclusive of taxes (including, but not limited to, sales, use, value added, goods and services, business, goods (real or personal, tangible or intangible), licences, documentation, registration, import, export, excise, exemption, stamp or other taxes), customs duties or tolls, duties, levies, deductions, fees, duties or other charges of any kind imposed by any governmental authority or an being levied by another tax authority in any jurisdiction. and all fines, penalties, surcharges on taxes, interest and other related charges (collectively, the “Taxes”). All taxes are paid by the customer in addition to the price. If a payment from the Customer is subject to withholding tax, the Customer agrees to increase the amount of a payment subject to withholding tax or to pay an additional amount necessary to ensure that the Supplier receives the same amount as it would have received if there had been no withholding. The customer must provide all certifications and other documents required to prove eligibility and benefit from an exemption or other tax exemption.

4. DELIVERY, OWNERSHIP AND RISK OF LOSS 4.1. The planning agreement specified by the supplier represents its best estimate and is based on current schedules and workload. The Supplier shall not be liable for any delay, damage or loss suffered by the Customer as a result of non-compliance with this estimate. Partial deliveries are allowed. 4.2. Unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Supplier, delivery is deemed to be of FOB origin (Incoterms 2010) for domestic shipments and from FCA Dulles International Airport (Incoterms 2010) for international deliveries. If the Supplier agrees in writing to ship a non-FCA Dulles international airport, the Supplier will invoice the Customer for the actual costs incurred by the Supplier for customs clearance and shipment of the items to an international airport in the specified country. If the Customer does not collect the Products within one (1) week or does not provide an appropriate statement of costs for shipping costs, the Supplier is entitled to charge the Customer for the Products and reserves the right to store the Items and charge the Customer for storage costs. 4.3. Ownership and liability for loss or damage to the Products passes from the Supplier to the Customer if the Products are originally delivered foB for domestic shipments or to FCA Dulles International Airport for international shipments. Thank you for your interest in the information [attached] (the “Information”).

Please note that the information was provided to you at your request for discussion purposes only. The information is confidential and you may not pass it on to third parties in whole or in part without the express written consent of Deutsche Bank AG. The writing company Brand New Copy has an example of some of the details that authors must include in their terms and conditions. This includes details on the number of drafts included and how customer advice is handled: Marketing firm Ivie & Associates has a detailed example of the terms and conditions. Below is a selection of some of their terms. The full terms and conditions can be found on their page. Import Costs, Licenses, and Regulations: For shipments outside the United States, Buyer is solely responsible for payment of all import costs, duties, compliance with applicable licensing requirements, and compliance with all applicable U.S. Government laws, regulations, and standards and all other applicable laws, regulations, and standards required by a government agency that Buyer is subject to jurisdiction or that has jurisdiction over location; to which the goods are shipped. Applicable law and jurisdiction; Attorneys` Fees This Agreement is deemed to have been entered into under the laws of the State of Washington and shall be construed and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington, without regard to choice of law principles. Buyer and Luxel hereby agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the state and federal courts of the State of Washington, King County, and such courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction and venue to determine the rights and obligations of the parties with respect to such matters. The parties hereby waive any argument regarding the convenience of the place of jurisdiction.

In the event of a dispute relating to the subject matter, the prevailing party in substance shall have the right to recover from the unsuccessful party all reasonable attorneys` fees and costs associated with such a dispute. 8. PROTECTED INFORMATION During the term of the Customer`s order, Supplier and Customer may, as part of their right to do so, exchange protected and/or confidential information that is generally not known to the public (“Protected Information”) only to the extent and to the extent and reasonably necessary for the performance of their obligations under this Agreement. Any material marked as “confidential” or “proprietary” and any copy made thereof will be returned to the disclosing party (“Owner”) by the receiving party (“Recipient”) of the Proprietary Information for the purpose for which it was provided or destroyed by the Recipient at the request of the Owner. Neither the Supplier nor the Customer will be liable for any disclosure if the data: (a) is (or becomes) generally available to the public without the recipient violating it; (b) were available to the recipient on a non-confidential basis from a source who had the right to disclose the information; (c) was lawfully in the possession of the consignee before being received by the owner; or (d) has been developed independently without using the owner`s confidential information. No license to a party under any trademark, patent, copyright, mask protection right or other intellectual property right is granted or implied by the transmission of proprietary information to that party. No trademark, service mark, trade name, design, logo or other trade dress of supplier may be used without the prior written consent of Supplier. The Supplier`s trademarks or logos on the Product may not be altered or modified in any way, combined with other elements or rearranged without the prior written consent of the Supplier. None of the proprietary information that may be disclosed or exchanged by the Owner constitutes any representation, representation, warranty or cause for the Recipient of any kind, including, without limitation, with respect to the non-infringement of trademarks, patents, copyrights or intellectual property rights or other rights of third parties not expressly granted herein. Customer agrees not to attempt, order or direct others to reverse engineer the Product, Sub-Assemblies and/or Software developed, manufactured or sold by Supplier. Ownership of all proprietary information disclosed to the other owner under the Order will remain the property of the Owner, unless otherwise specified in the Order.

The confidentiality obligations contained in this document apply for a period of five years after the expiry of the order. Validity of the offer: The price and delivery times indicated in the S&H Machine offer are valid for the period specified therein. If no time limit is specified in S&H Machine`s offer, the price and delivery times will apply 10 days after the date of submission of our offer. All orders according to S&H Machine`s offer are subject to acceptance by S&H Machine. Short Account: It is assumed that the buyer has accepted the numerical number of goods shipped, unless the buyer notifies S&H Machine in writing within 48 hours of delivery to the buyer of a claim due to a short count. This sample terms and conditions is based on a Shopify template: Buyer Acceptance of Offer: Buyer`s acceptance of this offer can be done through any reasonable and customary communication. Acceptance of the order by S&H Machine: All orders according to S&H Machine`s offer are subject to acceptance by S&H Machine. The acceptance of an order placed by S&H Machine by the buyer is not presumed. When S&H Machine receives an order, we can confirm receipt of the document, but this does not mean that we accept the order. The acceptance of orders must be in writing and must contain the term “accept”.

S&H Machine is linked to all of the United States. .

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