National Immunisation Register Authorised User Agreement

Professional association representing the profession of pharmacist. The PSNZ maintains a register of all pharmacists who are vaccinated doctors in New Zealand, and pharmacists are therefore required to inform them when they are licensed. The requirements for maintaining competence are also the same. Since 2012, New Zealand pharmacists who have received recognized vaccination training and comply with ministry of health vaccination standards have been able to administer influenza and Tdap vaccines. In 2013, this was extended to shingles and meningococcal vaccines. In 2019, the flu vaccine was also reclassified for trainee pharmacists who met education and vaccination standards. The Ministry is working to expand access to immunization records as part of the development of the national immunization solution for other influenza vaccination facilities, such as DHB staff clinics. Vaccine pharmacists use the NiR ImmuniseNow web application to check vaccine history and record influenza vaccinations on the NIR. If the person is already registered with the NIR, a notice is sent to their general office indicating that a flu shot has been taken by a pharmacist. Post-immunization adverse reactions (IBDs) should be reported to the Adverse Reaction Monitoring Centre (CARM).

Pharmacists should also notify their local immunization coordinator/facilitator when preparing a CARM report. This site provides community pharmacists with a one-stop shop for the information they need to set up and maintain a vaccination service. The NIR is a national database maintained by the Ministry of Health (the Ministry). The NIR records vaccinations from the national immunization schedule for children and some vaccinations for adults, such as flu vaccinations .B. Children are automatically included in the NIR unless they are actively “logged out”, while adults must be actively and manually “logged in”. The ministry and county health agencies use the NIR to monitor vaccination coverage, including vaccination of pregnant women, assess protection against diseases such as influenza, and plan future health programs for the population. The NIR leaflet (HE2423) informs adults about NIR and can be ordered from HealthEd. If possible, all vaccines should be registered on the NIR unless a patient has explicitly requested radiation or has not agreed to withdraw.

Some pharmacists may offer an outpatient vaccination service, by . B, vaccinate staff in a workplace or patients in a nursing home. Requirements for off-site programs are set out in Appendix 4 of the current Vaccine Manual. Pharmacists must also meet the cold chain requirements for off-site vaccination outlined in the 2017 National Standards for vaccine storage and transportation for immunization care providers (2nd edition). Community pharmacists are not required to apply to the Medical Officer of Health for approval of the program. As we have already mentioned, the approval of vaccination takes two years from the completion of the VTC. Before the expiry of this period, pharmacists must renew their vaccination status. To do this, all vaccination workers; Perform a vaccination update that meets the current standards of the Immunization Update Course, keep a summary of vaccination practice for the past 12 months, and have the current CPA and CPR certificates. See A4.1.5 Procedure for semi-annual renewal of the vaccination status of all vaccinators in the current immunization manual for more details. A new service plan has been developed for the pharmacy contract, which outlines the service specifications and eligible groups. Each DHB will implement it individually, according to the needs of its population. If you have any questions about the expiry of the contract, please contact your DHB Pharmacy Portfolio Manager. How do I get an ImmuniseNow username and login if I don`t have an MCOL login? Yes. Please use the same credentials to log in to ImmuniseNow. Enter this username on the AUA form for each pharmacy you work for. Once authorized by the Ministry of Health`s support team, you can access ImmuniseNow and register the vaccines you have administered I already have a username and password to access the Online Medication Control System (MCOL). Can I use it for ImmuniseNow? Yes. The AAU only applies to one pharmacy, so for each pharmacy where you work, you must be registered on the AUA form. Be sure to use the same MCOL or ImmuniseNow username. Resources for vaccinating HD patients are available from HealthEd. Pharmacists should have HE2505 available according to your immunization code. From 1. February 2018, cold chain management in pharmacies is regulated as part of the pharmacy authorization managed by Medicines Control.

Visit the Ministry of Health(MoH) National Immunization Program website For Cold Chain Management to read the Vaccine Cold Chain Compliance Fact Sheet for Community Pharmacies. A frequently asked faq on vaccine coordinators for immunization coordinators on vaccine cold chain compliance for community pharmacies is also available on the Ministry of Health`s cold chain management website. The Drugs Regulations, 1984 state that the Chief Health Officer or a medical officer of health may authorize any person to administer a vaccine (which is a prescription drug) for the purposes of an approved vaccination program. Subsection 44A(2) requires the vaccinator to meet certain criteria in terms of knowledge, skills, safe handling of vaccines and equipment, and resuscitation. In a community pharmacy, vaccines can only be administered by authorized pharmacists. For more information on revising vaccine administration, refer to Chapter 2 Process for Safe Immunization in the current Immunization Manual and in your VTC Manual. All vaccinators must: Community pharmacists who provide a vaccination service must ensure that all employees are aware of the service provided and their role in that service. In particular, ALL front-line employees should be aware of the risk of anaphylaxis after vaccination and the pharmacy`s procedure for its management. It is important to note that even if a pharmacist needs an instant CORE certificate and a child certificate, at least one other team member must be able to request emergency assistance and have a basic first aid certificate.

This must be respected at all times when providing immunization services. In 2019, New Zealand experienced a major outbreak of measles and smaller outbreaks of mumps. As part of the response to the measles outbreak, preparations containing measles, mumps and rubella vaccines in a combination product approved by the Minister of Health have been reclassified as PHARMACY ONLY. To administer this vaccine, pharmacy vaccinators must have successfully completed a training course approved by the Ministry of Health and comply with the Ministry of Health`s vaccination standards. This means that vaccines from pharmacists trained with current vaccine status can provide MMR vaccines. The National Immunization Registry (NIR) is a national database maintained by the Ministry of Health (the Ministry). The NIR records vaccinations from the national immunization schedule for children and some vaccinations for adults, such as flu vaccinations .B. The ministry and county health agencies use the NIR to monitor vaccination coverage, including vaccinating people aged 65 and over and pregnant women, assessing protection against diseases such as influenza, and planning future health programmes for the population.

Who can I contact for more information about ImmuniseNow or a username? Please contact the Ministry of Health support team regarding ImmuniseNow or a username and identifier: Pharmacist-vaccinators must use the NIR ImmuniseNow web application to check the client`s vaccination history and any warnings or contraindications prior to vaccination and, if the client has given consent, to record the management of all funded vaccines. Pharmacists are also encouraged to register the administration of unfunded vaccines in ImmuniseNow. Approved MMR vaccines are M-M-R II (the current brand is shipped to municipal pharmacies) and Priorix. For more information, refer to the IMAC Leaflet on MMR Vaccination: Key Statements and Chapters 11 (Measles), 13 (Mumps) and 18 (Rubella) of the current Immunization Manual. .

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